Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Council of Catholic Women Our Lady of Sorrows – Parish Council of Catholic Women
Meeting Agenda for Monday, September 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM LOCATION: OLS church conference room I. Call to Order (Shirley) A. Opening Prayer B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Sign-in D. Welcome members and guests II. Approval of Minutes A. Request Motion to approve May 2024 minutes (tabled since July meeting) B. Request Motion to approve July 2024 minutes C. Request Motion to approve July 2024 Financial Report (tabled since July meeting)– time period May , 2024, through June 28, 2024) (NA) III. Financial Report A. Explanation of establishment of Finance Committee and Treasurer and procedural changes (Ann T./committee) 1. use of expense and donation forms 2. change to checking account for PCCW/removal from OLS Parish system 3. Request Motion to approve September 2024 Financial Report (AT) 4. Extension of responsibilities of Finance Committee to decisions on use of funds raised by PCCW or development of new committee to make these decisions IV. Old Business: A. Request motion to approve Old Business from July (SS) and consider: 1. Selection of how to use funds from Lenten Bake Sale, Chili Contest, and Mothers’ Day Tea (charity/ies) OR A. 4. above B Attendance at Catholic functions 1. Superior Diocesan Council of Catholic Women in June (SS) 2. National Eucharistic Conference in July (SS, Linda Effertz) C. Thank you’s / correspondence (SS) (list of cards sent by PCCW available upon request - NA) D. Brief review of Mass in the Park – August 25 (NA, all) E. Parish Basement Organization (This will no longer be a PCCW project. Any member wishing to volunteer to continue may contact the cluster office directly. V. New Business: A. Committee Reports (committees only report on changes/needs) 1. Spirituality and Nomination Committees – need for chairs B. Alzheimer’s Association last in series – Healthy Brain Education – interest continues? (NA) C. Hospitality Event for October – sign-up (SS) D. Interest/formation of committee for winter fundraiser – sign-up? (NA) E. Changing PCCW meeting schedule from every other month to monthly – bring back discussion/brainstorm how to reduce length of meetings (NA) F. Need for 2-3 volunteers to serve Faith Formation meal September 18 G. Upcoming conferences/meeting participation? H. Request for expenditure towards Marian procession banner (Lani Burki) VI. Closing Prayer NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED: Monday, November 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM, OLS Conference Room Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Council of Catholic Women Monday, July 1, 2024 Meeting Minutes Location: Kim Reisner Residence, Ladysmith, WI I. CALL TO ORDER: Shirley Sorenson, Co-Leader A. Sign-In B. Opening Prayer: led by Shirley Sorenson C. Pledge of Allegiance: All D. Welcome and recognition of new attendees: Shirley Sorenson recognized Hope Burki as an adult member of the Council. Shirley announced that Fr. Papi was invited but could not attend. II. MEETING ATTENDANCE: A. Members: (listed by order of signature) Members: Shirley Sorenson, Nancy Anderson, Kathy Moreau, Beverly Lazar, Barb Egle, Jolene Rogers, Ann Thompson, Marlene Tuma, Hope Burki, Lani Burki, Mary Pohlman, Sandy Halada, Caroline Sieg, Kim Reisner, Cindy Jansen B. Guests: none III. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES AND FINANCIAL REPORTS A. May 2024 Meeting Minutes: Marlene Tuma moved that review and approval be tabled until September 2024 meeting. Seconded by Caroline Sieg. Approved unanimously. B. July, 2024 Financial Report: Shirley Sorenson noted that the Cluster Office was unable to provide their financial report that is used to create the PCCW financial report. Beverly Lazar moved that review and approval be tabled until September 2024 meeting. Seconded by Kim Reisner. Approved unanimously. IV. OLD BUSINESS Caroline Sieg moved to table all Old Business until the September 2024 meeting. Seconded by Marlene Tuma and approved unanimously. V. NEW BUSINESS Kathy Moreau moved to table any New Business items until the September 2024 meeting, with the following exceptions that were listed on the agenda. Seconded by Kim Reisner and approved unanimously. A. Report from newly formed Finance Committee (Kim Reisner). The OLS PCCW was informed today by Bob Lecheler, Cluster Administrative Assistant, that we may open our own checking account if we so choose, instead of continuing past practice of all income and expenses going through the cluster bookkeeping system. The Finance Committee is choosing to proceed and will open an account with Security Financial Bank in Ladysmith. This will be a duplicate check account that will require two signatures – the Treasurer and one Financial Committee member. A standardized form will be implemented for all donations of money and goods and all reimbursements will be requested via use of a form with receipts attached. Any expense that is more than $50.00 will require the approval of the membership at a meeting, whether general or emergency, circumstances considered. The Treasurer will obtain the bank’s rules and expectations and proceed with the Committee this week if possible. Kim read the Mission of the National Council of Catholic Women. No discussion except overall membership agreement in above planning and decisions. B. Nomination and Appointment of Ann Thompson as OLS PCCW Treasurer. Section A’s discussion was interrupted by need to address nomination of treasurer. Ann Thompson had volunteered to serve in this capacity. Other volunteers were requested. No one did so, and Marlene Tuma moved to nominate and approve Ann Thompson as Treasurer for the local Council. Seconded by Kathy Moreau with unanimous approval. Ann will start her service immediately. C. Mass in the Park: Shirley Sorenson reminded that the date for this event is Sunday, August 25, and that she had changed the time of the Mass with Fr. Papi to 11:00 AM. Nancy Anderson reminded that although Fr. Papi had discussed holding this as a single Mass for the weekend, he had not followed this format for other cluster parishes’ special Masses and thus shouldn’t do so for OLS. Therefore, this will be a parish Mass with all visitors invited but other Masses also being held that weekend. Shirley and Doug Sorenson will arrange all items needed for the Mass. Shirley will talk with Cheryl Weimer about flowers for the Mass. A committee is needed to plan food. Several members volunteered, with a separate meeting needed to secure plans. Reminder by Cindy Jansen to have two shifts of food servers this year. VI. Closing Prayer: led by Shirley Sorenson with special prayer for the late Sr. Cecilia Fandel, member, who passed away earlier this week. VII. Adjournment: Shirley Sorenson led Grace and adjourned to PCCW Picnic. Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday, September 9, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the OLS Church Conference Room. |
OLS PCCW March Meeting
The OLS Parish Council of Catholic Women will be holding their next meeting on Monday, March 11, at 6:00 PM in the OLS conference room. We encourage all women of the parish to attend and share their ideas and opinions. Use your time and talents to support your parish. All women of the parish are automatically members of this vibrant organization. New members are welcome, and bringing a friend is encouraged!
The OLS Parish Council of Catholic Women will be holding their next meeting on Monday, March 11, at 6:00 PM in the OLS conference room. We encourage all women of the parish to attend and share their ideas and opinions. Use your time and talents to support your parish. All women of the parish are automatically members of this vibrant organization. New members are welcome, and bringing a friend is encouraged!
February 29: Leap Day – One extra day to experience God’s healing power.
Healing Rosary and Intercessory Prayer (a new way of praying a rosary) 2:00 – 3:00. Sisters Residence. Call 715-532-0141.
Friday, March 1 - World Day of Prayer
1:00 pm - St. Mary Czestochowa - refreshments afterwards
1:00 pm. Hope Lutheran Church. - “I Beg You…Bear with One Another in Love”. Prepared by an ecumenical group of Palestinian women. Fellowship following.
March 9: One day retreat for women: 9am-3pm. Call to Holiness – “Lovin’ the Church”. St. James Great Church, Eau Claire. Brochures in north and west entrances. Need a ride? Call 715-532-0141.
Healing Rosary and Intercessory Prayer (a new way of praying a rosary) 2:00 – 3:00. Sisters Residence. Call 715-532-0141.
Friday, March 1 - World Day of Prayer
1:00 pm - St. Mary Czestochowa - refreshments afterwards
1:00 pm. Hope Lutheran Church. - “I Beg You…Bear with One Another in Love”. Prepared by an ecumenical group of Palestinian women. Fellowship following.
March 9: One day retreat for women: 9am-3pm. Call to Holiness – “Lovin’ the Church”. St. James Great Church, Eau Claire. Brochures in north and west entrances. Need a ride? Call 715-532-0141.
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Council of Catholic Women
January 8, 2024, Meeting Minutes
LOCATION: OLS Conference Room, Ladysmith, WI
I. CALL TO ORDER: Shirley Sorenson, Co-Leader
A. Sign-In
B. Opening Prayer: led by Peggy Novak
C. Pledge of Allegiance: led by Nancy Groothousen
D. Welcome and recognition of new attendees: Shirley Sorenson
A. Members: (listed by order of signature) Members: Shirley Sorenson, Denise Schindler, Paula Carow, Nancy Anderson, Sharon Voldberg, Jean Sanderson, Marlene Tuma, Sr. Cecilia Fandel, Sister Mary, Peg Novak, Sandy Halada, Mary Pohlman, Kim Reisner, Cindy Jansen, Beth Ross, Nancy Groothousen, Lani Burki
B. Guests: none
A. November, 2023 Meeting Minutes: Reviewed by members, motion to approve by Cindy Jansen, seconded by Peggy Novak, unanimously approved as filed. .
B. January, 2024 Financial Report: Reviewed by Shirley Sorenson. Submitted was the OLS office spread sheet for the entire year 2023. Reviewed from November PCCW meeting forward to end of December. All 2024 CCW dues (South Central Deanery, Superior Diocese, and NCCW) have been paid. Also paid were donations to Our Lady of Guadelupe Shrine in La Crosse and the 2024 women’s retreat, and the OLS PCCW’s portion of the bulletin ad for women’s organizations, all of which were previously approved. Reimbursement to Nancy Anderson for supplies needed for the PCCW Christmas morning hospitality event ($22.40). Reinbursement to Marlene Tuma for stamps ($66.00) and greeting cards ($50.00) for the PCCW prayer request committee. Purchased was candy for the PCCW Christmas service project ($37.50). Earnings from book sale totaled $465.00. No other income noted. Motion to approve without changes by Marlene Tuma, seconded by Kim Reisner, unanimously approved.
A. Six-month review of OLS PCCW’s Mission and Goals: General discussion of how the PCCW’s events and other activities have furthered the organization’s mission and met its goals of Spirituality, Leadership, and Service to the parish and general community.
B. Status of planning committee for school boiler fundraiser: No action has been taken. This is supposed to be a comprehensive committee that needs to involve administration and other organizations and parishes.
C. Change in Mass Schedule: The change takes place January 13-14. Members are encouraged to bring forth any concerns to the Parish Relations Committee members to take to the next meeting.
D. Open Committee Chair Positions: Nancy Anderson reviewed the three committee chair positions left opened and thanked those who have already volunteered to chair the other committees.
E. PCCW Book Sale Final Report: Shirley Sorenson shared the sale proceeds and that this will be added to the $500.00 previously approved from PPCW account for repair and refurbishing of the church’s men’s bathroom.
F. Thank you’s: received from Our Lady of Guadelupe Shrine and the Basham family for PCCW donations. A general note of gratitude was found in the Choices newsletter for the
Christmas family support.
G. Mother and Infant Christmas Support: Nancy Anderson reported on the success of this project that was organized by PCCW and involved all interested parishioners.
H. PCCW and Sisters’ Christmas Morning Mass Hospitality Event: Sr. Cecilia reported on the success of this impromptu event.
I. Rectory Basement Cleaning Project: Shirley Sorenson reported that a date has not been set for this project and needs to be in conjunction of K of C.
J. 2024 Rosary Rally: no new information
K. PCCW Christmas Service Project: Event organizer Cindy Jansen reported that 19 members participated in this event and made 158 treats for local nursing home and assisted living residents. Deacon Doug and Shirley Sorenson delivered them.
L. Pax Christi Nominations: Shirley Sorenson reported that no one came forward with nominations.
M. Status of Men’s Bathroom Repair: Shirley Sorenson reported that the plumbing repair is as finished as it can be considering the existing fixtures, which are recognized as old and difficult to repair. A bill has not yet been received. Parishioner Phill Sieg of Car Craft has agreed to remove and repaint the existing stall walls as a spring project, after which time the room can be repainted.
A. Upcoming Diocesan Women’s Retreat: Shirley Sorenson and Jean Sanderson plan to attend the weekend of February 10. Nancy Anderson may attend. Interested persons should contact Shirley Sorenson as soon as possible for rooms can be booked and registrations secured.
B. Mass Schedule Change – Informal Gathering after first Mass Sunday, January 14: Members chose to offer a Hospitality Sunday post-Mass light breakfast in the OLS church conference room after the first newly scheduled Mass. Discussion held to gauge interest and offer as a regular event. Attendees signed up to bring food items, and other members will be called to assist if needed. Shirley will announce the event.
C. PCCW Faith Formation Service: Shirley Sorenson reported that OLS PCCW is responsible for February’s food service and clean-up at Faith Formation. She volunteered along with Peggy Novak, Jean Sanderson, and Beth Ross, all of whom will serve at both events during the month.
D. Upcoming Events:
1. Mother’s Day Tea: membership agreed to extend this event to be cluster-wide sponsorship this year. Shirley Sorenson will contact leaders of the women’s groups in the other cluster parishes.
2. Mass in the Park: Shirley Sorenson has already reserved the Legacy Amphitheatre for August 25, 2024, at the request of the parish administration. All cluster parishes will be encouraged to attend. A potluck picnic will follow, with more planning needed as event approaches.
3. PCCW Chili Contest: Discussion held. Cindy Jansen moved to hold a chili contest February 25 as a fundraise, seconded by Marlene Tuma, with unanimous approval. Nancy Anderson, Kim Reisner, Cindy Jansen, and Marlene Tuma will spearhead the event.
4. Lenten Bake Sale Fundraiser: membership agreed to sponsor this event again this year, which will be held each Friday of the K of C Fish Fry during Lent, the first being February 16. Discussion held on how to use funds raised. Motion by Nancy Anderson, seconded by Peggy Novak, to fund purchase and replacement of the school kitchen main faucet. Unanimously approved. A sign-up sheet was provided by Shirley Sorenson to assure workers each Friday.
5. Interest in Summer Parish or All-Cluster Picnic: Discussion held on why this
interest is resurging, with Sr. Cecilia providing some history. Discussion that this year the Mass in the Park and ensuing picnic can serve as a parish picnic, with the possibility of inviting other cluster parishes in the future to participate in the planning and organization.
6. Interest in PCCW sponsorship of community educational events. Discussion that this meets our goals and mission. Possible topics to be considered: dementia, hospice and palliative care, pain management, auto care, grief, safe mobility, medication management, wine education. These will be considered for the months between PCCW meetings. Nancy Anderson will spearhead initial planning. Location could be at OLS church.
E. Evangelization Team: Nancy Anderson reported that Fr. Papi, Anne McCaine, Kathy Moreau, and she attend the deanery’s planning meeting in December, with the next to be held in the spring. This is the Bishop’s initiative. Lani Burki questioned what had happened to the previously formed team of about 12 people cluster-wide. This will be addressed at an upcoming Parish Relations Committee meeting so that everyone who wants to be involved can be.
F. Committee Reports:
1. Sacristans: Jean Sanderson reported that a meeting will soon be in the bulletin for a meeting for all existing sacristans and interested parishioners that will be coordinated with Fr. Papi and the deacons.
2. Greeters: Shirley Sorenson reported that the new schedule is available.
3. Eucharistic Ministers: Kim Reisner and Marlene Tuma reported that they will request a meeting after the Mass schedule change with Fr. Papi to coordinate an educational meeting.
4. Readers: Cindy Jansen reported that a 2-month schedule is available.
5. Decorations/Flowers: Kim Reisner reported in Cheryl Weimer’s absence that Christmas decorating went well.
6. Church Cleaners: Shirley Sorenson reported that a meeting is scheduled for January 11.
7. Grounds/Gardening: Nancy Anderson reported that anyone interested should be directed to her for future planning.
8. Spirituality: Sr. Cecilia reported that this committee is sponsoring an afternoon retreat January 11th on the infancy of Jesus. Eighteen have registered thus far.
9. Adult Religious Studies: Nancy Anderson reported in Anne McCain’s absence that the group finished Bible in a Year and are currently reading Matthew Kelly’s Holy Moments.
10. Parish Volunteers: Marlene Tuma reported that she arranged volunteers for the November blood drive and all went well with the exception of parishioners needing to make sure their contact information is updated. Nancy Groothousen suggested that for blood drives, volunteers should include those willing to bring light snacks for the workers and donors.
11. Adoration Chapel: Shirley Sorenson reported in Linda Effertz’s absence that the schedule has two openings on Saturdays.
12. Pastoral Relations: Nancy Anderson and Cindy Jansen reported that a meeting has been requested of Fr. Papi and Bob Lecheler, and that it had previously been agreed to include men of the parish as committee members.
13. Prayer Requests: Marlene Tuma reported that she and Linda Krejcarek are now leading this committee and are sending greeting cards to prayer recipients.
V. PCCW Communications Planning: Nancy Anderson reported that she and Shirley Sorenson will arrange for cards to be sent to PCCW members when appropriate. Motion by Marlene Tuma, seconded by Cindy Jansen, for stamps to be paid for by PCCW. Unanimously approved.
VI. Ongoing Support of Fr. Papi: Nancy Anderson asked for ongoing social support for Fr. Papi where each month a PCCW commits to inviting him to some informal event. Suggestions given. Nancy will invite for January, and Kim Reisner will for February. Following months will be addressed at the March meeting.
VII. Additional Information:
A. Shirley Sorenson reported that the church furnace rooms have been cleaned and cleared of unsafe debris and storage items. She cautioned that safety needs to be maintained and reminded that no paper products are to be stored in these rooms.
B. Lani Burki encouraged members to attend the Jason Gray benefit concert for Siri Basham on February 11 at 7 PM at the Miner Theatre in Ladysmith. Tickets range from $25.00 to $50.00 per person.
VIII. Closing Prayer: led by Peggy Novak
IX. Adjournment by Shirley Sorenson.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday, March 11, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the OLS Church Conference Room.
Our Lady of Sorrows – Parish Council of Catholic Women
Meeting Agenda for Monday, January 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM
LOCATION: OLS Conference Room
I. Sign-inCall to Order (Shirley)
A. Opening Prayer (choose member)
B. Pledge of Allegiance (choose member)
D. Welcome members and guests (Shirley)
II. Approval of Minutes
A. Approval of November 2023 minutes (SS)
B. Review of January, 2024 Financial Report and Approval – time period November 2023 through date of meeting (SS)
III. Old Business
A. Six-month review of PCCW goals and mission (discussion of Spirituality, Leadership, Service and what PCCW activities serve these purposes)
B. Status of planning committee for school boiler fundraiser (Cheryl W., Peggy N., Kim R., Shirley S.)
C. Changes in Mass schedule (any discussion needed for Parish Relations Committee to take to Fr. Papi?) (NA or CJ)
D. Open Committee Chair Positions for PCCW Organizational Committees (NA)
1. Maintenance Advisory Committee (inside and outside) – This is a parish committee, and we are asking for at least one PCCW member to serve.
2. Fundraising Committee – need leader for PCCW events who will also serve on larger parish and/or cluster-wide committee for large events
3. Nomination Committee
E. Parish Book Sale – Final Report (SS)
F. Thank you’s for PCCW contributions or service
G. PCCW’s organization of Choices’s mother and infant Christmas support
H. PCCW and Sisters’ Christmas morning Mass hospitality event (Sr. Cecilia)
I. Rectory basement cleaning status (SS)
J. 2024 Rosary Rally (no new information)
K. PCCW Christmas service project (Cindy J.)
L. Pax Christi nominations (no nominations came forward)
M. Status of men’s bathroom repair and refurbish (SS)
IV. New Business
A. Upcoming Diocese of Superior Women’s Retreat February 10-11 or 17-18, 2024
B. Mass Schedule change – informal gathering January 14. Interest?
C. Request from Cluster for PCCW Faith Formation service – February 7 and 21 – need 3 volunteers
D. Upcoming Events
1. Mother’s Day Tea in May (try joining with other local church?)
2. Mass in the Park August 25
3. Interest in Parish Chili Contest Fundraising Event February 25th? (NA)
4. Lenten Bake Sale Fundraiser(NA)
5. Interest in Summer Parish or All-Cluster Picnic – rollback to 1940’s? (NA )
6. Interest in PCCW sponsorship of parish/cluster/community educational events (NA, SS)
E. Evangelization Team membership
1. Meeting in December review (NA, Kathy M., Anne M.)
2. South central deanery meeting upcoming in spring
3. Encouragement for Clusters to combine projects, events, activities
F. Committee Reports (limit report to 2-5 minutes)
1. Sacristan (Jean S.)
2. Greeters (SS)
3. Eucharistic Ministers (Marlene T., Kim R.)
4. Readers (Cindy J.)
5. Decorations/Flowers (Cheryl W.)
6. Church Cleaners (SS)
7. Grounds/Garden (NA)
8. Spirituality Sr. C.)
9. Adult Religious Studies (Anne M.)
10. Parish Volunteers (Marlene T.)
11. Adoration Chapel (Linda E.)
12. Pastoral Relations (NA, Cindy J.)
13. Prayer Requests (Marlene T., Linda K.)
II. PCCW Communications Committee or Designee (Sympathy, thank you cards, etc.) (NA and SS)
III. PCCW members’ ongoing social support for Fr. Papi (NA)
IV. Closing Prayer (ask member to lead)
V. Adjournment (SS)
NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED: Monday, March 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM, OLS Conference Room
The OLS PCCW gathered for a service project organized by member Cindy Jansen. Created were small chocolate treats that will be delivered to nursing home and assisted living residents in the community. The event ended in a potluck snack selection of Christmas goodies. (Photos by Lani Burki)
2024 Retreat on the Infancy of Jesus.
Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024,
2:00 –3:30 at the Sisters’ Residence, 1100 Port Arthur Rd. Unit A.
Open to all ages of women in the RCCC cluster. Call 715-532-5828 to register.
Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024,
2:00 –3:30 at the Sisters’ Residence, 1100 Port Arthur Rd. Unit A.
Open to all ages of women in the RCCC cluster. Call 715-532-5828 to register.
OLS _ PCCW Spirituality Committee: Bonie Stefczak, Sr. Cecilia Fandel, Denise Schindler, Mary Pohlman
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Council of Catholic Women
November 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Location: OLS Meeting Room, Ladysmith, WI
I. CALL TO ORDER: Shirley Sorenson, Co-Leader
A. Sign-In
B. Prayer: led by Jean Sanderson
C. Pledge of Allegiance: led by Kathy Moreau
D. Welcome and recognition of new attendees: Shirley Sorenson
A. Members: (listed by order of signature) Members: Shirley Sorenson, Amanda Shimko, Ann Thompson, Beth Ross, Lani Burki, Cindy Jansen, Cheryl Wiemer, Sr. Mary, Mary Pohlman, Jean Sanderson, Nancy Anderson, Marlene Tuma, Kathy Moreau, Sr. Cecilia Fandel, Peg Novak, Betty Novesky, Caroline Sieg, Sandy Halada, Kim Reisner.
B. Guests: none
A. September, 2023
1. Meeting Minutes: Reviewed by members, motion to approve by Marlene Tuma, seconded by Cindy Jansen, Caroline Sieg, unanimously approved.
2. Financial Report: Reviewed by Shirley Sorenson, motion to approve by Caroline Sieg, seconded by Kathy Moreau, unanimously approved.
B. November, 2023: Financial Report to Date: Reviewed by Shirley Sorenson. Motion by Cindy Jansen, seconded by Kim Reisner, to approve financial report to date of 10/01/23 with balance of $2928.63, understanding that other items in report are pending payments. Unanimously approved.
A. Field trip to Our Lady of Guadelupe Shrine in La Crosse: Report by Kathy Moreau, organizer, that 49 people attended. Encouragement for PCCW members to view Lani Burki’s photos on website and Facebook. Kathy shared the “thank you” card from the bus company that provided transportation.
B. Cluster women’s organizations’ bulletin ad: All cluster parish women’s organizations paid $72.84 for the annual bill for this ad, which runs weekly. Shirley shared the ad’s layout in the bulletin.
C. Care Net Donation Receipt: A receipt for the OLS PCCW $350 donation from Lenten bake sale proceeds has been received.
D. Box of Joy Project: Spearheader Lani Burki reported on the overwhelming success of this project. More than 200 boxes were filled and donated to the Cross Catholics. Shirley informed that this was an initiative supported by the Diocesan CCW.
E. Walk for Life Event: Kim Reisner reported that OLS and Bruce parishes were amongst the highest donors, and that Kim and her partner exceeded their monetary goal for the walk.
F. Fundraising Committee for School Boiler: This committee has not yet met. Those on the committee are Shirley Sorenson, Cheryl Wiemer, Peggy Novak, and Kim Reisner.)
G. Update on All-Cluster Parish Council Meeting regarding Mass schedule: Cindy Jansen and Nancy Anderson reported that the vast majority of those attending were compassionate to Fr. Papi’s needs and safety. Two options were provided, along with the option of crafting a third option, and those attending chose to cast their opinions at the meeting, since all parishioners were invited. We will be receiving the results of the meeting within the next few weeks.
H. Update on PCCW’s Faith Formation meal service: Shirley Sorenson reported that OLS PCCW served two meals in September and provided clean-up. Fifty students and parents were served the first meal, and 21 the second. This should be the only month this year that OLS PCCW needs to serve, as all other parishes are participating.
I. OLS PCCW Organizational Committees:
1. The following PCCW members agreed at the meeting to chair committees, beyond those who had previously volunteered:
a. Eucharistic Ministers Committee: Marlene Tuma and Kim Reisner will co-chair. Kathy Moreau suggested that this committee extend services to homebound parishioners.
b. Spiritual Committee: Sr. Cecilia Fandel asked that this committee have this name if she is going to chair it, and that others assist her.
c. Prayer Requests Committee: It was planned that prayer requests can come through Laurie Fortuna at the cluster office, and that Marlene Tuma will send cards and help manage, with Nancy Anderson assisting.
d. Parish Volunteers Committee: Marlene Tuma agreed to chair. She will be the contact person for the parish office to alert to the need for volunteers for an event. She will then reach out to other PCCW members for help.
2. The PCCW agreed that the following responsibilities should be handled through the parish office and do not need PCCW committees: Scrip organization, Live Stream Volunteers, School and Faith Formation.
3. The following committees still need leadership:
a. Maintenance Advisory Committee (inside and outside): a PCCW member willing to serve on this PARISH committee.
b. Fundraising Committee: a PCCW member willing to spearhead PCCW fundraising events and work with other parish members on large parish-wide events.
c. Nomination Committee: a PCCW member willing to organize a committee of PCCW members who consider awards and nominees (Nancy Anderson volunteered to write necessary applications as needed.)
A. First Meeting of Pastoral Relations Committee with Fr. Papi: Cindy Jansen and Nancy Anderson, who serve on this committee, reviewed the first meeting with Fr. Papi, which included Administrative Assistant Bob Lecheler at Father’s request. This committee was welcomed by both Father Papi and Bob and will be extended to two K of C members and Bob Lecheler. Also reviewed at this meeting were the following:
1. Suggestion of a “Committee Fair” to inform parishioners of the service opportunities and promote involvement in the parish.
2. Parish-wide fundraising committee should include PCCW, K of C, and OLS School
3. Bob informed on the FORMED website. Nancy Anderson shared how to access this Catholic website for those in attendance.
B. PCCW Member interest in National Eucharistic Conference in Indianapolis, July of 2024. Shirley is choosing to attend this conference at her own expense and will be joining the busload of diocesan members going with Bishop Powers. She invited other PCCW members to join her. Deadline for planning is end of November.
C. Men’s Bathroom Project: It has been determined that records may not be available for how much money the last spring dinner put towards the men’s bathroom renovation. Bob Lecheler shared at the Parish Relations Committee meeting that all funds raised were likely put into the General Fund and not designated. There is a maintenance budget set aside for such repair work. Shirley Sorenson reported that Deacon Doug was successful in securing the work of a plumber, and work has been started on repair of the church’s plumbing fixtures, including the men’s bathroom. Nancy Anderson motioned to use all book sale proceeds (see below) plus an additional $500 from the PCCW account to use towards the repair and remodel of the men’s bathroom in order to fulfill original plans. Caroline Sieg will check with Phill Sieg on the potential cost of sandblasting the bathroom partitions. Marlene Tuma seconded the motion, approved unanimously.
D. Book Sale: Spearheaded by Shirley Sorenson, this sale of old books from the rectory and donors resulted in $339.26.
E. Financial donation to Our Lady of Guadelupe: Betty Novesky moved for PCCW to donate $50.00 to the shrine, seconded by Nancy Anderson, approved unanimously.
F. Financial Support of Superior Diocese CCW retreat: Shirley Sorenson moved to donate $50.00 in support of this event, seconded by Kim Reisner, approved unanimously.
G. Shirley reported on request from Care Net to fund Christmas presents for a 23 y/o mother and 4 month-old son. Motion by Cindy Jansen, seconded by Kim Reisner, for PCCW to organize and support this effort. Unanimously approved. Decision that this will be put to the parish at Mass this coming Sunday, asking parishioners to bring new gifts to the church meeting room at the following Sunday’s Mass time. Ann Thompson, Kim Reisner, and Nancy Anderson will assist in the conference room November 26th, and Nancy will speak at Mass November 19th. Ann Thompson will provide boxes with which to gather and deliver the gifts by December 1.
H. Packer Party as fundraiser: Nancy Anderson reported that K of C Joe Baye asked that this be considered. Tabled for consideration of future fundraiser next football season.
I. Disposition of old coffee pots: Shirley Sorenson reported that the old parish coffee pots were given to a requesting parishioner.
J. PCCW informal Christmas gathering: This will be combined with another event (see below)
K. “Thank You’s” reviewed by Shirley Sorenson (from Servite Sisters and to Bob and Linda Krejcarek for donation of card table)
L. Report on Fall South Central Deanery Meeting attended by Shirley Sorenson and Nancy Anderson. Plan to invite other parish PCCW’s to carpool to Spring event.
M. Pairing of local K of C and OLS PCCW to sponsor 2024 Rosary Rally (at request of Joe Baye) tabled
N. Nursing Home/Assisted Living Christmas Favors: The schools will not be involved in this project this year, so PCCW has agreed to do so. Cindy Jansen brought samples of favors the members can make to give out to local nursing home and assisted living residents. Gathering of PCCW December 11th at 6:00 PM at church meeting room to make the favors and share social time during the holidays. Members invited to bring snacks for the gathering. Motion by Shirley Sorenson, seconded by Peggy Novak, to fund the candy purchase. Members are asked to bring some Christmas wrapping paper to use for the favors.
O. Pax Christi Nomination: Nancy Anderson offered to assist any PCCW member in drafting a nomination if there is interest.
P. Future Cleaning of Rectory, Rectory Basement, and Church Furnace Rooms: Shirley reported that these areas are greatly in need of cleaning and safety management. The church furnace rooms will be addressed first. Kim Reisner, Lani Burki, Kathy Moreau, Peggy Novak, Marlene and Dick Tuma, and Jean Sanderson will assist.
VI. CLOSING PRAYER: led by Peggy Novak
VII. ADJOURNMENT: Adjournment by Shirley Sorenson, with door prizes going to Ann Thompson and Caroline Sieg.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, January 8, 2024, 6:00 PM, OLS Conference Room
November 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Location: OLS Meeting Room, Ladysmith, WI
I. CALL TO ORDER: Shirley Sorenson, Co-Leader
A. Sign-In
B. Prayer: led by Jean Sanderson
C. Pledge of Allegiance: led by Kathy Moreau
D. Welcome and recognition of new attendees: Shirley Sorenson
A. Members: (listed by order of signature) Members: Shirley Sorenson, Amanda Shimko, Ann Thompson, Beth Ross, Lani Burki, Cindy Jansen, Cheryl Wiemer, Sr. Mary, Mary Pohlman, Jean Sanderson, Nancy Anderson, Marlene Tuma, Kathy Moreau, Sr. Cecilia Fandel, Peg Novak, Betty Novesky, Caroline Sieg, Sandy Halada, Kim Reisner.
B. Guests: none
A. September, 2023
1. Meeting Minutes: Reviewed by members, motion to approve by Marlene Tuma, seconded by Cindy Jansen, Caroline Sieg, unanimously approved.
2. Financial Report: Reviewed by Shirley Sorenson, motion to approve by Caroline Sieg, seconded by Kathy Moreau, unanimously approved.
B. November, 2023: Financial Report to Date: Reviewed by Shirley Sorenson. Motion by Cindy Jansen, seconded by Kim Reisner, to approve financial report to date of 10/01/23 with balance of $2928.63, understanding that other items in report are pending payments. Unanimously approved.
A. Field trip to Our Lady of Guadelupe Shrine in La Crosse: Report by Kathy Moreau, organizer, that 49 people attended. Encouragement for PCCW members to view Lani Burki’s photos on website and Facebook. Kathy shared the “thank you” card from the bus company that provided transportation.
B. Cluster women’s organizations’ bulletin ad: All cluster parish women’s organizations paid $72.84 for the annual bill for this ad, which runs weekly. Shirley shared the ad’s layout in the bulletin.
C. Care Net Donation Receipt: A receipt for the OLS PCCW $350 donation from Lenten bake sale proceeds has been received.
D. Box of Joy Project: Spearheader Lani Burki reported on the overwhelming success of this project. More than 200 boxes were filled and donated to the Cross Catholics. Shirley informed that this was an initiative supported by the Diocesan CCW.
E. Walk for Life Event: Kim Reisner reported that OLS and Bruce parishes were amongst the highest donors, and that Kim and her partner exceeded their monetary goal for the walk.
F. Fundraising Committee for School Boiler: This committee has not yet met. Those on the committee are Shirley Sorenson, Cheryl Wiemer, Peggy Novak, and Kim Reisner.)
G. Update on All-Cluster Parish Council Meeting regarding Mass schedule: Cindy Jansen and Nancy Anderson reported that the vast majority of those attending were compassionate to Fr. Papi’s needs and safety. Two options were provided, along with the option of crafting a third option, and those attending chose to cast their opinions at the meeting, since all parishioners were invited. We will be receiving the results of the meeting within the next few weeks.
H. Update on PCCW’s Faith Formation meal service: Shirley Sorenson reported that OLS PCCW served two meals in September and provided clean-up. Fifty students and parents were served the first meal, and 21 the second. This should be the only month this year that OLS PCCW needs to serve, as all other parishes are participating.
I. OLS PCCW Organizational Committees:
1. The following PCCW members agreed at the meeting to chair committees, beyond those who had previously volunteered:
a. Eucharistic Ministers Committee: Marlene Tuma and Kim Reisner will co-chair. Kathy Moreau suggested that this committee extend services to homebound parishioners.
b. Spiritual Committee: Sr. Cecilia Fandel asked that this committee have this name if she is going to chair it, and that others assist her.
c. Prayer Requests Committee: It was planned that prayer requests can come through Laurie Fortuna at the cluster office, and that Marlene Tuma will send cards and help manage, with Nancy Anderson assisting.
d. Parish Volunteers Committee: Marlene Tuma agreed to chair. She will be the contact person for the parish office to alert to the need for volunteers for an event. She will then reach out to other PCCW members for help.
2. The PCCW agreed that the following responsibilities should be handled through the parish office and do not need PCCW committees: Scrip organization, Live Stream Volunteers, School and Faith Formation.
3. The following committees still need leadership:
a. Maintenance Advisory Committee (inside and outside): a PCCW member willing to serve on this PARISH committee.
b. Fundraising Committee: a PCCW member willing to spearhead PCCW fundraising events and work with other parish members on large parish-wide events.
c. Nomination Committee: a PCCW member willing to organize a committee of PCCW members who consider awards and nominees (Nancy Anderson volunteered to write necessary applications as needed.)
A. First Meeting of Pastoral Relations Committee with Fr. Papi: Cindy Jansen and Nancy Anderson, who serve on this committee, reviewed the first meeting with Fr. Papi, which included Administrative Assistant Bob Lecheler at Father’s request. This committee was welcomed by both Father Papi and Bob and will be extended to two K of C members and Bob Lecheler. Also reviewed at this meeting were the following:
1. Suggestion of a “Committee Fair” to inform parishioners of the service opportunities and promote involvement in the parish.
2. Parish-wide fundraising committee should include PCCW, K of C, and OLS School
3. Bob informed on the FORMED website. Nancy Anderson shared how to access this Catholic website for those in attendance.
B. PCCW Member interest in National Eucharistic Conference in Indianapolis, July of 2024. Shirley is choosing to attend this conference at her own expense and will be joining the busload of diocesan members going with Bishop Powers. She invited other PCCW members to join her. Deadline for planning is end of November.
C. Men’s Bathroom Project: It has been determined that records may not be available for how much money the last spring dinner put towards the men’s bathroom renovation. Bob Lecheler shared at the Parish Relations Committee meeting that all funds raised were likely put into the General Fund and not designated. There is a maintenance budget set aside for such repair work. Shirley Sorenson reported that Deacon Doug was successful in securing the work of a plumber, and work has been started on repair of the church’s plumbing fixtures, including the men’s bathroom. Nancy Anderson motioned to use all book sale proceeds (see below) plus an additional $500 from the PCCW account to use towards the repair and remodel of the men’s bathroom in order to fulfill original plans. Caroline Sieg will check with Phill Sieg on the potential cost of sandblasting the bathroom partitions. Marlene Tuma seconded the motion, approved unanimously.
D. Book Sale: Spearheaded by Shirley Sorenson, this sale of old books from the rectory and donors resulted in $339.26.
E. Financial donation to Our Lady of Guadelupe: Betty Novesky moved for PCCW to donate $50.00 to the shrine, seconded by Nancy Anderson, approved unanimously.
F. Financial Support of Superior Diocese CCW retreat: Shirley Sorenson moved to donate $50.00 in support of this event, seconded by Kim Reisner, approved unanimously.
G. Shirley reported on request from Care Net to fund Christmas presents for a 23 y/o mother and 4 month-old son. Motion by Cindy Jansen, seconded by Kim Reisner, for PCCW to organize and support this effort. Unanimously approved. Decision that this will be put to the parish at Mass this coming Sunday, asking parishioners to bring new gifts to the church meeting room at the following Sunday’s Mass time. Ann Thompson, Kim Reisner, and Nancy Anderson will assist in the conference room November 26th, and Nancy will speak at Mass November 19th. Ann Thompson will provide boxes with which to gather and deliver the gifts by December 1.
H. Packer Party as fundraiser: Nancy Anderson reported that K of C Joe Baye asked that this be considered. Tabled for consideration of future fundraiser next football season.
I. Disposition of old coffee pots: Shirley Sorenson reported that the old parish coffee pots were given to a requesting parishioner.
J. PCCW informal Christmas gathering: This will be combined with another event (see below)
K. “Thank You’s” reviewed by Shirley Sorenson (from Servite Sisters and to Bob and Linda Krejcarek for donation of card table)
L. Report on Fall South Central Deanery Meeting attended by Shirley Sorenson and Nancy Anderson. Plan to invite other parish PCCW’s to carpool to Spring event.
M. Pairing of local K of C and OLS PCCW to sponsor 2024 Rosary Rally (at request of Joe Baye) tabled
N. Nursing Home/Assisted Living Christmas Favors: The schools will not be involved in this project this year, so PCCW has agreed to do so. Cindy Jansen brought samples of favors the members can make to give out to local nursing home and assisted living residents. Gathering of PCCW December 11th at 6:00 PM at church meeting room to make the favors and share social time during the holidays. Members invited to bring snacks for the gathering. Motion by Shirley Sorenson, seconded by Peggy Novak, to fund the candy purchase. Members are asked to bring some Christmas wrapping paper to use for the favors.
O. Pax Christi Nomination: Nancy Anderson offered to assist any PCCW member in drafting a nomination if there is interest.
P. Future Cleaning of Rectory, Rectory Basement, and Church Furnace Rooms: Shirley reported that these areas are greatly in need of cleaning and safety management. The church furnace rooms will be addressed first. Kim Reisner, Lani Burki, Kathy Moreau, Peggy Novak, Marlene and Dick Tuma, and Jean Sanderson will assist.
VI. CLOSING PRAYER: led by Peggy Novak
VII. ADJOURNMENT: Adjournment by Shirley Sorenson, with door prizes going to Ann Thompson and Caroline Sieg.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, January 8, 2024, 6:00 PM, OLS Conference Room
PCCW Donates Towards Sirianna Basham’s Upcoming Benefit
The OLS Parish Council of Catholic Women is helping support the Siri’s Soldiers cause with their donation of an auction basket to raise funds at the upcoming benefit October 29. Titled “Baby, it’s cold outside,” this basket will take care of cold weather needs as our temperatures continue to dip. PCCW will keep Siri and her family in our prayers as she battles through her cancer ordeal.
The OLS Parish Council of Catholic Women is helping support the Siri’s Soldiers cause with their donation of an auction basket to raise funds at the upcoming benefit October 29. Titled “Baby, it’s cold outside,” this basket will take care of cold weather needs as our temperatures continue to dip. PCCW will keep Siri and her family in our prayers as she battles through her cancer ordeal.
What a wonderful success for our “first” OLS Mass in the Park, held last Sunday, August 27th! Thanks to everyone who attended and stayed to socialize at our potluck picnic. The food brought by the PCCW ladies was fantastic! This was a joint effort of the OLS Parish Council of Catholic Women and the local Knights of Columbus, and it went off without a hitch! Help setting up and taking down was fast, efficient, and much appreciated!
Parishioners who brought a dish to pass were invited to sign up for a drawing for a beautiful fall tote bag, which was handcrafted by Diane Scott, a cluster member from Weyerhaeuser, and was donated anonymously as a way to say “thanks for all your hard work.” Tammy Moore of Ladysmith was the lucky winner.
The planning committee (Shirley Sorenson, Nancy Anderson, Marlene Tuma, Cindy Jansen, Jean Sanderson, Joe Baye, and Bob Lecheler) invite your comments and criticisms.
Parishioners who brought a dish to pass were invited to sign up for a drawing for a beautiful fall tote bag, which was handcrafted by Diane Scott, a cluster member from Weyerhaeuser, and was donated anonymously as a way to say “thanks for all your hard work.” Tammy Moore of Ladysmith was the lucky winner.
The planning committee (Shirley Sorenson, Nancy Anderson, Marlene Tuma, Cindy Jansen, Jean Sanderson, Joe Baye, and Bob Lecheler) invite your comments and criticisms.