Minutes for St. Anthony's Parish for September 16,2021
Called to order at 6:30
Members present: Tony Arts, Bob Lecheler, Karen Pedersen, Joan Moser, Marge & Gene Verdegan, Arnold Groothousen, Tony Hauser, Jeff Zimmer, Don Leonhard, Linda Applebee, Karen Wiltrout
Prayer: Bob Lecheler
Motion to approve the agenda as presented: motion by Marge, second by Karen P
Motion to approve the minutes as presented: motion by Karen P., second by Karen W.
Motion to accept the budget as presented by Karen W. Second by Joan
The budget was $13,475 and will be sent to Bishop
Finance report: $144,245.77 currently in the checking account. We need to check into non parishioners buying graves in the Tony Cemetery. We need to check the records to see how it reads and see if what we are doing is legal.
$4861.00 is left from the old CSA. Karen W made a motion to pay off the old CSA and seconded by Karen P. The new CSA is $12768.00
Don Leonhard made a motion to pay Jeff Zimmer $1210 for bush cutting and fixing the lawn in the back of Church. Second by Tony Hauser.
Old Business: Tree stumps in the cemetery and by the Church. Motion by Arnold to have Don Leonhard take care of it. Second by Gene.
New Business:
Soup and Chili Supper October 23 from 4-6pm
Pancake Breakfast December 5 from 8:30-11:00 am
Prioritize things needed done in Church.
Piano: Jeremy Neff has one for $4394 that is the same as St. Frances. Decided to tune this one and look at new one later.
Maybe replace the glass doors in front of Church the glass is leaking between the panels.
Floor cleaning the Parish Center now and later in the Church.
Bathrooms in Church to get higher toilets.
A railing to up by the candles for easier access.
Don has one bid for the back of Church. He will need to get a bid using vinyl siding and turn it into the office. We will go from there.
Karen Pedersen made a motion to give $1000 for the billboard by Weyerhaeuser. Second by Arnold.
Karen W. will order a new clock for the back of the Church.
Adjourned at 8:00 Motion by Linda Second by Marge
Our next meeting will be December 16 at 6:30 in the Parish Center
Called to order at 6:30
Members present: Tony Arts, Bob Lecheler, Karen Pedersen, Joan Moser, Marge & Gene Verdegan, Arnold Groothousen, Tony Hauser, Jeff Zimmer, Don Leonhard, Linda Applebee, Karen Wiltrout
Prayer: Bob Lecheler
Motion to approve the agenda as presented: motion by Marge, second by Karen P
Motion to approve the minutes as presented: motion by Karen P., second by Karen W.
Motion to accept the budget as presented by Karen W. Second by Joan
The budget was $13,475 and will be sent to Bishop
Finance report: $144,245.77 currently in the checking account. We need to check into non parishioners buying graves in the Tony Cemetery. We need to check the records to see how it reads and see if what we are doing is legal.
$4861.00 is left from the old CSA. Karen W made a motion to pay off the old CSA and seconded by Karen P. The new CSA is $12768.00
Don Leonhard made a motion to pay Jeff Zimmer $1210 for bush cutting and fixing the lawn in the back of Church. Second by Tony Hauser.
Old Business: Tree stumps in the cemetery and by the Church. Motion by Arnold to have Don Leonhard take care of it. Second by Gene.
New Business:
Soup and Chili Supper October 23 from 4-6pm
Pancake Breakfast December 5 from 8:30-11:00 am
Prioritize things needed done in Church.
Piano: Jeremy Neff has one for $4394 that is the same as St. Frances. Decided to tune this one and look at new one later.
Maybe replace the glass doors in front of Church the glass is leaking between the panels.
Floor cleaning the Parish Center now and later in the Church.
Bathrooms in Church to get higher toilets.
A railing to up by the candles for easier access.
Don has one bid for the back of Church. He will need to get a bid using vinyl siding and turn it into the office. We will go from there.
Karen Pedersen made a motion to give $1000 for the billboard by Weyerhaeuser. Second by Arnold.
Karen W. will order a new clock for the back of the Church.
Adjourned at 8:00 Motion by Linda Second by Marge
Our next meeting will be December 16 at 6:30 in the Parish Center